Sale of Company Listings
Exhibiting companies may receive solicitations which are deceptively pretending to be official communications from us to you. These communications may be generated out of Australia, Mexico, Slovakia etc.
The NJEA and dLPLAN, have no connection with Fair Guide and do not in any way endorse this solicitation or any offers made in their solicitation.
In particular, be aware of any offering of a “free” business directory listing from such companies as “World Business Directory,” “Expo-Guide” and “The Fair Guide.”
It is our recommendation that you DO NOT COMPLETE these listing forms.
Here is how a “free listing” scam works: A group collects your company’s name and mailing address from the Yellow Pages, on-line exhibitor listings or other publications, and then sends you a form asking you to provide supplemental information (phone, fax, e-mail, etc.) for your “free” listing in their guide. Nevertheless, the fine print at the bottom of the page states that by signing and returning the form you have agreed to pay for the listing. It can be a substantial amount, such as $1,300 US or 995 Euros per year for three years. The group then sends you a collection letter several weeks later. If you don’t pay, they continue to send dunning notices and threaten litigation.
These types of solicitations have been hitting national and international trade shows for many years now, but they are starting to solicit state shows as national show organizers have gotten savvy to the their operations.
While The NJEA and dLPLAN cannot provide any legal advice or tell you not to participate in this listing, it is our understanding that companies have disputed the validity of such contracts and completed successful legal action against these organizations.
If you receive any solicitation resembling those referenced above, we strongly advise you to read the fine print on the listing form carefully before committing yourself to the Fair Guide.
Sale of Attendee List
You may have received a solicitation offering to sell you NJEA Membership Information because you are an exhibitor or vendor at the convention. Please be advised that this is unauthorized by NJEA and, if received and used by you, is a violation of the convention rules that you agreed to when you paid for your exhibit space.
We have taken steps to inform those responsible for the communication that we view their actions to be a violation of NJEA members’ privacy rights under New Jersey law, and that we reserve our right to seek relief and damages for NJEA and on behalf of our members if necessary.
If you have already received one of these solicitations, or, if in the time leading up to or following the convention you receive a message of this nature, we request that you immediately report the details to our representatives at dLPLAN so that they can inform us.
We will then take the appropriate legal action.
Third-Party Hotel Reservations
Please be advised that some exhibitors have been contacted by an unauthorized third party housing poacher, instructing exhibitors to book hotel rooms. NJEA has not authorized any third party organizations to make hotel reservations or to contact exhibitors. These companies are not affiliated with NJEA or dLPLAN. We strongly urge you to proceed with caution and if you are contacted by one of these third parties, to please report it to dLPLAN.